Dr Ludbrook was an Australian vascular surgeon and biostatistician. He was instrumental in important statistical analyses, including the falling stroke risk in patients with asymptomatic carotid stenosis given medical treatment alone. His dedicated support will not be forgotten.
Prof Cliff Buckley was an American vascular surgeon and one of the earliest FACTCATS members. He co-authored our evidence reviews and policy advisory statements for US Medicare, and provided funds to start up the FACTCATS website. His good nature and generosity will not be forgotten.
Prof Henry J Barnett was a Canadian neurologist and lead investigator in several trials to determine how to best prevent stroke. These included ‘NASCET’, a randomised trial comparing carotid surgery (endarterectomy) and medical treatment in the 1980s and early 1990s. He also co-authored two published evidence reviews and policy advisory statements to US Medicare (Abbott and 40 others, 2012 and Abbott and 50 others, 2013) advising that reimbursement indications for carotid artery stenting should not be expanded. These publications (and the campaign associated with them) defined the origins of the FACTCATS. His steadfast support will not be forgotten.